Stopping Traffic on C-Street | High School Senior Portraits

How do you get High School Senior Portraits that Stop Traffic?

Easy….you get IN the ROAD!   Disclaimer: Street shots are easier and more advisable in rural areas!  However, Linda didn’t let that stop her getting one for her High School Senior Portraits.  Why?  Because the backdrop was perfect – fabulous old-timey buildings!  We DID take safety precautions by shooting in a unused median and watching for traffic.  Thankfully, the passing cars were also very considerate and slowed/stopped for us.  Perhaps they stopped for safety, but I think it is 100% because Linda “Rocked the shot”.  Linda, you totally stopped traffic!!  Yep, I think we can chalk this shoot up as Painting the Town!  We had SOOOO much fun doing it!

Linda wins my “Longest distance for High School Senior Portraits” Award

How long did Linda Travel to make that record distance?   A whopping FOUR HOURS round Trip!  WOW!  Really awesome (for me)!  Sorry for that long drive!  I’ll admit, it shocked the pants off of me when I found out!  Thanks so much Linda, it’s an honor that you chose to drive so far for a Reflections by Brittanie Photo Session!

Commercial Street Energizes High School Senior Portraits!

If you haven’t selected a location for your High school Senior Portraits, I highly recommend Commercial Street.  Vibrant colors. Scenic locations. Railroad tracks. An awesome Jefferson Street Bridge.  Homey Eaterys & just about every eclectic shop you could hope to find!  For detailed information, click here: Just about anyone can find something to like on Commercial Street!  Every alley turn creates a different look.  Check out Linda’s fabulous pictures below:

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High School Senior Portraits are not complete until you have a shot that “Stops Traffic” ~Linda, “Ya Nailed It”

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Just a former professional photographer from the USA, now happy wife & mom, currently living in Scarborough, Ontario. Hoping to connect with others through our life experiences and to share the love of Jesus. Find me on Facebook HERE or send me a message HERE!

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